The Role of a Host Response Test, SeptiCyte RAPID, to Improve Sepsis Bundle Compliance and Address D

When:  Feb 15, 2024 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

In this sponsored webinar, Roy Davis, MD, PhD, MHA, Chief Medical Officer of Immunexpress, will introduce SeptiCyte RAPID, a one-hour, FDA-cleared test to differentiate sepsis from non-infectious systemic inflammation,. Dr. Davis will also share clinical validation data and describe its impact in sepsis bundle compliance. Russell Miller, MD, MPH, FCCM, will then explain the clinical value of SeptiCyte RAPID, especially when there is diagnostic uncertainty in patients suspected of sepsis, and why this led to its adoption at his hospital.

No CE credits are offered for this sponsored webinar. Content was determined by the sponsor.

Webinar Sponsor: 

Sepsis Alliance gratefully acknowledges the support provided by Immunexpress for this sponsored webinar.